A Comparative Study of Graph Matching Algorithms in Computer Vision

Benchmark Results for “worms19”

This page shows the benchmarks results for the dataset instance “worms19”. We consider solutions as optimal if the objective value is within a 0.1% range of the known optimum -48787.2.

Run time 1s

method value bound optimal accuracy
dd-ls0 74654.6 -158557 no 26.01%
dd-ls3 77838.6 -155843 no 24.86%
dd-ls4 82156.5 -155853 no 21.10%
fgmd inf -inf no
fm-bca -48787.2 -48814.3 yes 94.22%
fm -48784.8 -55789.4 yes 94.22%
fw -47826.2 -inf no 90.46%
ga inf -inf no
hbp inf -inf no
ipfps inf -inf no
ipfpu inf -inf no
lsm inf -inf no
mp inf -inf no
mp-fw inf -inf no
mpm inf -inf no
mp-mcf inf -inf no
pm inf -inf no
rrwm inf -inf no
sm inf -inf no
smac inf -inf no

Run time 10s

method value bound optimal accuracy
dd-ls0 54128 -142197 no 23.70%
dd-ls3 44430.8 -141173 no 29.48%
dd-ls4 58754.7 -147182 no 26.59%
fgmd inf -inf no
fm-bca -48787.2 -48808 yes 94.22%
fm -48784.8 -55789.4 yes 94.22%
fw -48734.1 -inf no 92.77%
ga inf -inf no
hbp inf -inf no
ipfps inf -inf no
ipfpu 0 -inf no 0.00%
lsm inf -inf no
mp -48773.4 -48808.5 yes 94.22%
mp-fw inf -50169.6 no 0.00%
mpm inf -inf no
mp-mcf -48489.5 -48884.8 no 93.64%
pm inf -inf no
rrwm inf -inf no
sm inf -inf no
smac inf -inf no

Run time 100s

method value bound optimal accuracy
dd-ls0 -4762.7 -58205.5 no 61.85%
dd-ls3 9932.27 -69434.5 no 52.02%
dd-ls4 32908.7 -103101 no 34.68%
fgmd inf -inf no
fm-bca -48787.2 -48808 yes 94.22%
fm -48784.8 -55789.4 yes 94.22%
fw -48734.2 -inf no 92.77%
ga inf -inf no
hbp inf -inf no
ipfps -1209.84 -inf no 1.73%
ipfpu 0 -inf no 0.00%
lsm inf -inf no
mp -48778.2 -48808.3 yes 94.22%
mp-fw -48768.1 -49073.9 yes 93.64%
mpm inf -inf no
mp-mcf -48626.7 -48860.1 no 94.80%
pm inf -inf no
rrwm inf -inf no
sm -7397.11 -inf no 7.80%
smac 72302.4 -inf no 10.98%

Run time 300s

method value bound optimal accuracy
dd-ls0 -46966.8 -48927.1 no 93.35%
dd-ls3 -43796.3 -49182.4 no 89.02%
dd-ls4 12244.9 -72175.1 no 49.71%
fgmd inf -inf no
fm-bca -48787.2 -48808 yes 94.22%
fm -48784.8 -55789.4 yes 94.22%
fw -48734.2 -inf no 92.77%
ga inf -inf no
hbp inf -inf no
ipfps -1209.84 -inf no 1.73%
ipfpu 0 -inf no 0.00%
lsm 928152 -inf no 0.00%
mp -48778.2 -48808.3 yes 94.22%
mp-fw -48778.3 -48920.3 yes 93.64%
mpm inf -inf no
mp-mcf -48635.4 -48851.8 no 94.80%
pm inf -inf no
rrwm inf -inf no
sm -7397.11 -inf no 7.80%
smac 72302.4 -inf no 10.98%

Other Results for this Dataset

Accumulated results for whole dataset: worms

Results for individual instances of the dataset: