Source code for FrEIA.framework.graph_inn.nodes

from collections import deque
from typing import List, Tuple, Iterable, Union, Optional, Type

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Module

from ...modules.base import InvertibleModule

Connection = Tuple["AbstractNode", int]
ConnectionList = List[Connection]
FlexibleInput = Union["AbstractNode", Connection]
FlexibleInputs = Union[FlexibleInput, Iterable[Connection]]

ModuleType = Union[Type, Module]
InvertibleModuleType = Union[Type, InvertibleModule]

def parse_flexible_inputs(inputs: FlexibleInputs) -> ConnectionList:
    Converts specified inputs to a node to a canonical format.
    Inputs can be specified in three forms:

    - a single node, then this nodes first output is taken as input
    - a single tuple (node, idx), specifying output idx of node
    - a list of tuples [(node, idx)], each specifying output idx of node

    All such formats are converted to the last format.
    if isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)):
        if len(inputs) == 0:
            return inputs
        if len(inputs) == 2 and isinstance(inputs[1], int):
            return [inputs]
        parsed_inputs = []
        for inp in inputs:
            if isinstance(inp, AbstractNode):
                inp = inp.out0
            elif not (isinstance(inp[0], AbstractNode) and isinstance(inp[1], int)):
                raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse {inp}")
        return parsed_inputs
        if not isinstance(inputs, AbstractNode):
            raise TypeError(f"Received object of invalid type "
                            f"{type(inputs)} as input.")
        return [(inputs, 0), ]

class AbstractNode:
    def __init__(self, inputs: FlexibleInputs, module_type: InvertibleModuleType, module_args: Optional[dict] = None,
                 conditions=None, name=None):
        if conditions is None:
            conditions = []

        if name:
   = name
   = hex(id(self))[-6:]
        self.inputs = parse_flexible_inputs(inputs)
        if conditions is not None:
            self.conditions = parse_flexible_inputs(conditions)

        self.module_type = module_type
        self.module_args = module_args

        input_shapes = [input_node.output_dims[node_out_idx]
                        for input_node, node_out_idx in self.inputs]
        condition_shapes = [cond_node.output_dims[cond_node_out_idx]
                            for cond_node, cond_node_out_idx in self.conditions]

        self.input_dims = input_shapes
        self.condition_dims = condition_shapes
        self.module, self.output_dims = self.build_module(condition_shapes, input_shapes)
        self.outputs: List[Optional[Connection]] = [None] * len(self.output_dims)

        # Notify preceding nodes that their output ends up here
        # Entry at position co -> (n, ci) means:
        # My output co goes to input channel ci of n.
        for in_idx, (in_node, out_idx) in enumerate(self.inputs):
            in_node.consume_output(out_idx, self, in_idx)

        # Enable .outX access
        for i in range(len(self.output_dims)):
            self.__dict__[f"out{i}"] = self, i

    def rev_input(self, out_idx):
        Compute which value should be read in reverse mode.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def rev_conditions(self):
        Compute the conditioning for reverse mode -- they move from the
        forward output node of the conditioning node to the reverse output
        this output is fed to.
        return [
            for cond_node, out_idx
            in self.conditions

    def build_module(self, condition_shapes: List[Tuple[int]], input_shapes: List[Tuple[int]]):
        Instantiates the module and determines the output dimension.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def consume_output(self, out_idx: int, by_node: "AbstractNode", in_idx: int):
        if self.outputs[out_idx] is not None:
            raise ValueError(f"Output {out_idx} of node {self} is already consumed.")
        self.outputs[out_idx] = by_node, in_idx

    def forward(self, x_or_z: Iterable[Tensor],
                c: Iterable[Tensor] = None, rev: bool = False, jac: bool = True) \
            -> Tuple[Tuple[Tensor], Union[Tensor, None]]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __str__(self):
        module_hint = (self.module_type.__name__ if self.module_type is not None
                       else "")
        name_hint = f" {!r}" if is not None else ""
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}{name_hint}: {self.input_dims} -> " \
               f"{module_hint} -> {self.output_dims}"

    def __repr__(self):
        name_hint = f" {!r}" if is not None else ""
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}{name_hint}"

[docs]class Node(AbstractNode): """ This Node class represents one transformation in the graph, with an arbitrary number of in- and outputs. These in and outputs count as being invertible, so they must be consumed. The user specifies the input, and the underlying module computes the number of outputs. """
[docs] def rev_input(self, out_idx): # Conditioning on InputNode means conditioning on the node that consumes this input return self.outputs[out_idx]
[docs] def build_module(self, condition_shapes: List[Tuple[int]], input_shapes: List[Tuple[int]]) \ -> Tuple[InvertibleModule, List[Tuple[int]]]: """ Instantiates the module and determines the output dimension by calling InvertibleModule#output_dims. """ if isinstance(self.module_type, InvertibleModule): if self.module_args is not None: raise ValueError( f"You passed an instance of {self.module_type.__class__.__name__}, " f"but also provided argument to its constructor (module_args != None)." ) module = self.module_type self.module_type = type(module) if module.dims_in != input_shapes: raise ValueError( f"You passed an instance of {self.module_type.__class__.__name__} " f"which expects {self.module.dims_in} input shape, " f"but the input shape to the Node is {input_shapes}." ) else: module_args = self.module_args if module_args is None: module_args = {} if len(self.conditions) > 0: module = self.module_type(input_shapes, dims_c=condition_shapes, **module_args) else: module = self.module_type(input_shapes, **module_args) return module, module.output_dims(input_shapes)
def forward(self, x_or_z: Iterable[Tensor], c: Iterable[Tensor] = None, rev: bool = False, jac: bool = True) \ -> Tuple[Tuple[Tensor], Tensor]: if len(self.conditions) > 0: mod_out = self.module(x_or_z, c=c, rev=rev, jac=jac) else: mod_out = self.module(x_or_z, rev=rev, jac=jac) if torch.is_tensor(mod_out): raise ValueError( f"The node {self}'s module returned a tensor only. This " f"is deprecated without fallback. Please follow the " f"signature of InvertibleOperator#forward in your module " f"if you want to use it in a GraphINN.") if len(mod_out) != 2: raise ValueError( f"The node {self}'s module returned a tuple of length " f"{len(mod_out)}, but should return a tuple `z_or_x, jac`.") out, mod_jac = mod_out if torch.is_tensor(out): raise ValueError(f"The node {self}'s module returns a tensor. " f"This is deprecated.") if len(out) != len(self.inputs if rev else self.outputs): raise ValueError( f"The node {self}'s module returned {len(out)} output " f"variables, but should return " f"{len(self.inputs if rev else self.outputs)}.") if not torch.is_tensor(mod_jac) or mod_jac.shape[0] != out[0].shape[0]: if isinstance(mod_jac, (float, int, torch.Tensor)): mod_jac = torch.zeros(out[0].shape[0]).to(out[0].device) \ + mod_jac elif jac: raise ValueError( f"The node {self}'s module returned a non-tensor as " f"Jacobian: {mod_jac}") elif not jac and mod_jac is not None: raise ValueError( f"The node {self}'s module returned neither None nor a " f"Jacobian: {mod_jac}") return out, mod_jac
[docs]class InputNode(AbstractNode): """ Special type of node that represents the input data of the whole net (or the output when running reverse) """
[docs] def __init__(self, *dims: int, name=None): if len(dims) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Input node got empty shape as input.") self.dims = dims super().__init__([], None, {}, name=name)
[docs] def rev_input(self, out_idx): # Conditioning on InputNode means conditioning on the node that consumes this input return self.outputs[out_idx]
[docs] def build_module(self, condition_shapes: List[Tuple[int]], input_shapes: List[Tuple[int]]) \ -> Tuple[None, List[Tuple[int]]]: if len(condition_shapes) > 0: raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not accept conditions") assert len(input_shapes) == 0, "Forbidden by constructor" return None, [self.dims]
def forward(self, x_or_z: Iterable[Tensor], c: Iterable[Tensor] = None, rev: bool = False, jac: bool = True) -> None: raise AssertionError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} should never be executed.")
[docs]class ConditionNode(AbstractNode): """ Special type of node that represents conditional input to the internal networks inside coupling layers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *dims: int, name=None): if len(dims) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Input node got empty shape as input.") self.dims = dims super().__init__([], None, {}, name=name) # This node does not have consumable outputs self.outputs = []
[docs] def rev_input(self, out_idx): # No change between forward and backward return self, out_idx
[docs] def consume_output(self, out_idx: int, by_node: AbstractNode, in_idx: int): raise TypeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__}'s outputs cannot be consumed as " f"inputs to another node, only as conditions.")
[docs] def build_module(self, condition_shapes: List[Tuple[int]], input_shapes: List[Tuple[int]]) \ -> Tuple[None, List[Tuple[int]]]: if len(condition_shapes) > 0: raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not accept conditions") assert len(input_shapes) == 0, "Forbidden by constructor" return None, [self.dims]
def forward(self, x_or_z: Iterable[Tensor], c: Iterable[Tensor] = None, rev: bool = False, jac: bool = True) -> None: raise AssertionError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} should never be executed.")
[docs]class OutputNode(AbstractNode): """ Special type of node that represents the output of the whole net (or the input when running in reverse). """
[docs] def __init__(self, in_node: FlexibleInput, name=None): super().__init__(in_node, None, {}, name=name)
[docs] def rev_input(self, out_idx): raise ValueError("The output of an output node cannot be accessed. (probably FrEIA bug)")
[docs] def consume_output(self, out_idx: int, by_node: AbstractNode, in_idx: int): raise TypeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__}'s outputs cannot be consumed as " f"inputs to another node.")
[docs] def build_module(self, condition_shapes, input_shapes) -> Tuple[None, List[Tuple[int]]]: if len(condition_shapes) > 0: raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not accept conditions") if len(input_shapes) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Output node received {len(input_shapes)} inputs," f"but only single input is allowed.") return None, []
def forward(self, x_or_z: Iterable[Tensor], c: Iterable[Tensor] = None, rev: bool = False, jac: bool = True) -> None: raise AssertionError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} should never be executed.")
[docs]class FeedForwardNode(AbstractNode): """ Special type of node that computes output without Jacobian and inverse. """
[docs] def __init__(self, conditions: FlexibleInputs, output_dims: Tuple[int], module_type: ModuleType, module_args: Optional[dict] = None, name=None): self.module_output_dims = output_dims super().__init__([], module_type, module_args, conditions=conditions, name=name) # This node does not have consumable outputs self.outputs = []
[docs] def rev_input(self, out_idx): # No change between forward and backward return self, out_idx
[docs] def build_module(self, condition_shapes: List[Tuple[int]], input_shapes: List[Tuple[int]]) \ -> Tuple[Module, List[Tuple[int]]]: """ Instantiates the module and determines the output dimension by calling InvertibleModule#output_dims. """ if isinstance(self.module_type, Module): if self.module_args is not None: raise ValueError( f"You passed an instance of {self.module_type.__class__.__name__}, " f"but also provided argument to its constructor (module_args != None)." ) module = self.module_type self.module_type = type(module) else: module_args = self.module_args if module_args is None: module_args = {} module = self.module_type(**module_args) return module, [self.module_output_dims]
def forward(self, x_or_z: Iterable[Tensor], c: Iterable[Tensor] = None, rev: bool = False, jac: bool = True) -> Tuple[Tuple[Tensor], None]: if isinstance(self.module, InvertibleModule): return self.module(c) return (self.module(*c),), None
[docs]def collect_nodes(*input_nodes: AbstractNode): nodes = [] pending_nodes = deque(input_nodes) while len(pending_nodes) > 0: start_node = pending_nodes.popleft() nodes.append(start_node) for node, _ in start_node.outputs + start_node.conditions: if node not in nodes and node not in pending_nodes: pending_nodes.append(node) return nodes