Quickstart guide#

To jump straight into the code, see this basic usage example, which learns and then samples from the moons dataset provided in sklearn. For information on the structure of FrEIA, as well as more detailed examples of networks, including custom invertible operations, see the full tutorial below.

# standard imports
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from sklearn.datasets import make_moons

# FrEIA imports
import FrEIA.framework as Ff
import FrEIA.modules as Fm

N_DIM = 2

# we define a subnet for use inside an affine coupling block
# for more detailed information see the full tutorial
def subnet_fc(dims_in, dims_out):
    return nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(dims_in, 512), nn.ReLU(),
                         nn.Linear(512,  dims_out))

# a simple chain of operations is collected by ReversibleSequential
inn = Ff.SequenceINN(N_DIM)
for k in range(8):
    inn.append(Fm.AllInOneBlock, subnet_constructor=subnet_fc, permute_soft=True)

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(inn.parameters(), lr=0.001)

# a very basic training loop
for i in range(1000):
    # sample data from the moons distribution
    data, label = make_moons(n_samples=BATCHSIZE, noise=0.05)
    x = torch.Tensor(data)
    # pass to INN and get transformed variable z and log Jacobian determinant
    z, log_jac_det = inn(x)
    # calculate the negative log-likelihood of the model with a standard normal prior
    loss = 0.5*torch.sum(z**2, 1) - log_jac_det
    loss = loss.mean() / N_DIM
    # backpropagate and update the weights

# sample from the INN by sampling from a standard normal and transforming
# it in the reverse direction
z = torch.randn(BATCHSIZE, N_DIM)
samples, _ = inn(z, rev=True)