Source code for FrEIA.framework.graph_inn.graph_inn

import warnings
from collections import deque, defaultdict
from typing import List, Tuple, Iterable, Union, Optional

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import Tensor

from ...modules.base import InvertibleModule
from .nodes import AbstractNode, Node, ConditionNode, InputNode, OutputNode, FeedForwardNode

[docs]class GraphINN(InvertibleModule): """ This class represents the invertible net itself. It is a subclass of InvertibleModule and supports the same methods. The forward method has an additional option 'rev', with which the net can be computed in reverse. Passing `jac` to the forward method additionally computes the log determinant of the (inverse) Jacobian of the forward (backward) pass. """
[docs] def __init__(self, node_list: Iterable[AbstractNode], force_tuple_output=False, verbose=False): # Gather lists of input, output and condition nodes in_nodes = [node for node in node_list if isinstance(node, InputNode)] out_nodes = [node for node in node_list if isinstance(node, OutputNode)] condition_nodes = [node for node in node_list if isinstance(node, ConditionNode)] ff_nodes = [node for node in node_list if isinstance(node, FeedForwardNode)] # Check that all nodes are in the list for node in node_list: for in_node, idx in node.inputs: if in_node not in node_list: raise ValueError(f"{node} gets input from {in_node}, " f"but the latter is not in the node_list " f"passed to GraphINN.") for out_node, idx in node.outputs: if out_node not in node_list: raise ValueError(f"{out_node} gets input from {node}, " f"but it's not in the node_list " f"passed to GraphINN.") for cond_node, idx in node.conditions: if cond_node not in node_list: raise ValueError(f"{node} is conditioned on {cond_node}, " f"but the latter not in the node_list " f"passed to GraphINN.") # Global in- and output global_in_shapes = [node.output_dims[0] for node in in_nodes] global_out_shapes = [node.input_dims[0] for node in out_nodes] global_cond_shapes = [node.output_dims[0] for node in condition_nodes] # Only now we can set out shapes super().__init__(global_in_shapes, global_cond_shapes) self.node_list_fwd = topological_order(node_list, in_nodes, out_nodes, rev=False) self.node_list_rev = topological_order(node_list, in_nodes, out_nodes, rev=True) # Now we can store everything -- before calling super constructor, # nn.Module doesn't allow assigning anything self.in_nodes = in_nodes self.condition_nodes = condition_nodes self.out_nodes = out_nodes self.ff_nodes = ff_nodes self.global_out_shapes = global_out_shapes self.force_tuple_output = force_tuple_output self.module_list = nn.ModuleList([n.module for n in self.node_list_fwd if n.module is not None]) if verbose: print(self)
@property def node_list(self): return self.node_list_fwd def output_dims(self, input_dims: List[Tuple[int]]) -> List[Tuple[int]]: if len(self.global_out_shapes) == 1 and not self.force_tuple_output: raise ValueError("You can only call output_dims on a " "GraphINN with more than one output " "or when setting force_tuple_output=True.") return self.global_out_shapes def forward(self, x_or_z: Union[Tensor, Iterable[Tensor]], c: Iterable[Tensor] = None, rev: bool = False, jac: bool = True, intermediate_outputs: bool = False, x: None = None) \ -> Tuple[Tuple[Tensor], Tensor]: """ Forward or backward computation of the whole net. """ if x is not None: x_or_z = x warnings.warn("You called GraphINN(x=...). x is now called x_or_z, " "please pass input as positional argument.") if torch.is_tensor(x_or_z): x_or_z = x_or_z, if torch.is_tensor(c): c = c, jacobian = torch.zeros(x_or_z[0].shape[0]).to(x_or_z[0]) outs = {} jacobian_dict = {} if jac else None # Explicitly set conditions and starts start_nodes = self.out_nodes if rev else self.in_nodes if len(x_or_z) != len(start_nodes): raise ValueError(f"Got {len(x_or_z)} inputs, but expected " f"{len(start_nodes)}.") for tensor, start_node in zip(x_or_z, start_nodes): outs[start_node, 0] = tensor if c is None: c = [] if len(c) != len(self.condition_nodes): raise ValueError(f"Got {len(c)} conditions, but expected " f"{len(self.condition_nodes)}.") for tensor, condition_node in zip(c, self.condition_nodes): outs[condition_node, 0] = tensor # Go backwards through nodes if rev=True node_list = self.node_list_rev if rev else self.node_list_fwd for node in node_list: # Skip input/condition/output nodes, they are handled above if node in self.in_nodes + self.out_nodes + self.condition_nodes: continue # Collect inputs to node mod_in = [] mod_c = [] for prev_node, channel in (node.outputs if rev else node.inputs): mod_in.append(outs[prev_node, channel]) for cond_node, channel in (node.rev_conditions() if rev else node.conditions): mod_c.append(outs[cond_node, channel]) mod_in = tuple(mod_in) mod_c = tuple(mod_c) try: # Execute node out, mod_jac = node.forward(x_or_z=mod_in, c=mod_c, rev=rev, jac=jac) if jac and mod_jac is not None: jacobian = jacobian + mod_jac jacobian_dict[node] = mod_jac except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"{node} encountered an error.") from e for out_idx, out_value in enumerate(out): outs[node, out_idx] = out_value for out_node in (self.in_nodes if rev else self.out_nodes): # This copies the one input of the out node outs[out_node, 0] = outs[(out_node.outputs if rev else out_node.inputs)[0]] if intermediate_outputs: return outs, jacobian_dict else: out_list = [outs[out_node, 0] for out_node in (self.in_nodes if rev else self.out_nodes)] if len(out_list) == 1 and not self.force_tuple_output: return out_list[0], jacobian else: return tuple(out_list), jacobian
[docs] def log_jacobian_numerical(self, x, c=None, rev=False, h=1e-04): """ Approximate log Jacobian determinant via finite differences. """ if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): batch_size = x[0].shape[0] ndim_x_separate = [[1:]) for x_i in x] ndim_x_total = sum(ndim_x_separate) x_flat =[x_i.view(batch_size, -1) for x_i in x], dim=1) else: batch_size = x.shape[0] ndim_x_total =[1:]) x_flat = x.reshape(batch_size, -1) J_num = torch.zeros(batch_size, ndim_x_total, ndim_x_total) for i in range(ndim_x_total): offset = x[0].new_zeros(batch_size, ndim_x_total) offset[:, i] = h if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): x_upper = torch.split(x_flat + offset, ndim_x_separate, dim=1) x_upper = [x_upper[i].view(*x[i].shape) for i in range(len(x))] x_lower = torch.split(x_flat - offset, ndim_x_separate, dim=1) x_lower = [x_lower[i].view(*x[i].shape) for i in range(len(x))] else: x_upper = (x_flat + offset).view(*x.shape) x_lower = (x_flat - offset).view(*x.shape) y_upper, _ = self.forward(x_upper, c=c, rev=rev, jac=False) y_lower, _ = self.forward(x_lower, c=c, rev=rev, jac=False) if isinstance(y_upper, (list, tuple)): y_upper = [y_i.view(batch_size, -1) for y_i in y_upper], dim=1) y_lower = [y_i.view(batch_size, -1) for y_i in y_lower], dim=1) J_num[:, :, i] = (y_upper - y_lower).view(batch_size, -1) / (2 * h) logdet_num = x[0].new_zeros(batch_size) for i in range(batch_size): logdet_num[i] = torch.slogdet(J_num[i])[1] return logdet_num
[docs] def get_node_by_name(self, name) -> Optional[Node]: """ Return the first node in the graph with the provided name. """ for node in self.node_list: if == name: return node return None
[docs] def get_module_by_name(self, name) -> Optional[nn.Module]: """ Return module of the first node in the graph with the provided name. """ node = self.get_node_by_name(name) try: return node.module except AttributeError: return None
def topological_order(all_nodes: List[AbstractNode], in_nodes: List[InputNode], out_nodes: List[OutputNode], rev: bool) -> List[AbstractNode]: """ Computes the topological order of nodes. Parameters: all_nodes: All nodes in the computation graph. in_nodes: Input nodes (must also be present in `all_nodes`) out_nodes: Output nodes (must also be present in `all_nodes`) rev: Forward or backward topological order (differs because of conditioning) Returns: A sorted list of nodes, where the inputs to some node in the list are available when all previous nodes in the list have been executed. """ # Topological order differs depending on computation direction if not rev: edges_out_to_in = { node_b: {node_a for node_a, out_idx in node_b.inputs + node_b.conditions} for node_b in all_nodes } start_nodes = in_nodes end_nodes = out_nodes else: edges_out_to_in = { node_b: {node_a for node_a, out_idx in node_b.outputs + node_b.rev_conditions()} for node_b in all_nodes } start_nodes = out_nodes end_nodes = in_nodes # Reverse dict edges_in_to_out = defaultdict(set) for node_out, node_ins in edges_out_to_in.items(): for node_in in node_ins: edges_in_to_out[node_in].add(node_out) # Kahn's algorithm starting from the output nodes sorted_nodes = [] no_pending_edges = deque(end_nodes) while len(no_pending_edges) > 0: node = no_pending_edges.popleft() sorted_nodes.append(node) for in_node in list(edges_out_to_in[node]): # Mark edge as handled edges_out_to_in[node].remove(in_node) edges_in_to_out[in_node].remove(node) # If this was the last edge to in_node, mark as ready to handle if len(edges_in_to_out[in_node]) == 0: no_pending_edges.append(in_node) for in_node in start_nodes: if in_node not in sorted_nodes: raise ValueError(f"Error in graph: {in_node} is not connected " f"to any {'out' if not rev else 'in'}put.") if sum(map(len, edges_in_to_out.values())) == 0: return sorted_nodes[::-1] else: raise ValueError("Graph is cyclic.")