This pages is dedicated to our arXiv 2024 preprint “A Bregman-Sinkhorn Algorithm for the Maximum Weight Independent Set Problem”.
S. Haller, B. Savchynskyy
“A Bregman-Sinkhorn Algorithm for the Maximum Weight Independent Set Problem”
arXiv 2408.02086 Preprint 2024 [PDF]
BibTeX entry:
title={A Bregman-Sinkhorn Algorithm for the Maximum Weight Independent Set Problem},
author={Stefan Haller and Bogdan Savchynskyy},
Our solver uses a simple JSON graph format:
"nodes": [10.0, 20.0, 30.0], /* Costs for each node */
"cliques": [[0, 1, 3]], /* Array of cliques (indices into nodes array) */
(The above example shows a fully connected graph of three nodes.)
Download JSON model files: mwis2024_json.tar.zst (112 MiB, SHA256: 00406a5d0d5a9403ff5feddfa9d4751738d66c0799a455b19860baf99a7fc0da
For the specification of the metis format refer to the Metis Software Package Manual. However, note that only the edge graph representation is supported, i.e., the edges for all cliques are enumerated in its entirety.
Download Metis model files: mwis2024_metis.tar.zst (2.2 GiB, SHA256: 2ae0b875326948858cc9e293b2f2635bf6f92b610e6cf02671cce01490246472
In the paper we subdivide the large and relatively diverse collection of AVR datasets into three groups (LARGE, MEDIUM and SMALL). The groups are selected based on the number of nodes in the problem instances. More information are presented in the paper.
"MSCD": [
The AVR problem instances have been original obtained from the Amazon MWIS VR Dataset page. The problem instances have been used as is. We converted the text file representation into our JSON clique graph format as well as into the Metis edge graph format.
"AVR_000": "CR-S-L-1",
"AVR_001": "CR-S-L-2",
"AVR_002": "CR-S-L-4",
"AVR_003": "CR-S-L-6",
"AVR_004": "CR-S-L-7",
"AVR_005": "CR-T-C-1",
"AVR_006": "CR-T-C-2",
"AVR_007": "CR-T-D-4",
"AVR_008": "CR-T-D-6",
"AVR_009": "CR-T-D-7",
"AVR_010": "CW-S-L-1",
"AVR_011": "CW-S-L-2",
"AVR_012": "CW-S-L-4",
"AVR_013": "CW-S-L-6",
"AVR_014": "CW-S-L-7",
"AVR_015": "CW-T-C-1",
"AVR_016": "CW-T-C-2",
"AVR_017": "CW-T-D-4",
"AVR_018": "CW-T-D-6",
"AVR_019": "MR-D-01",
"AVR_020": "MR-D-03",
"AVR_021": "MR-D-05",
"AVR_022": "MR-D-FN",
"AVR_023": "MR-W-FN",
"AVR_024": "MT-D-01",
"AVR_025": "MT-D-200",
"AVR_026": "MT-D-FN",
"AVR_027": "MT-W-01",
"AVR_028": "MT-W-200",
"AVR_029": "MT-W-FN",
"AVR_030": "MW-D-01",
"AVR_031": "MW-D-20",
"AVR_032": "MW-D-40",
"AVR_033": "MW-D-FN",
"AVR_034": "MW-W-01",
"AVR_035": "MW-W-05",
"AVR_036": "MW-W-10",
"AVR_037": "MW-W-FN"
Download source code used in the paper: mwis2024_code.tar.zst (488K, SHA256: 36c73f09ba101abce8bd96bd504e1063f332fe6ebc6f3f0a2d7a50fb04b84d30)
Note that for we distribute the code for each variant mentioned in the paper in separate subdirectories.
Download raw log files: mwis2024_logs.tar.zst (12.2 GiB, SHA256: cd932adfe8b97b81246a342237373e0639238fb5c054be2ca9a0393cb33b544b
Download compiled benchmark results: mwis2024_benchmark.json.zst (60 MiB, SHA256: b5bd5200771c52fe60fe9577023b80380a2a8534a1f0094ad49110defc55f8a4
Format: For each solver run we store the tuples [$iteration, $time, $upper_bound, $lower_bound]
in a JSON array.
We compared our algorithm to “A Metaheuristic Algorithm for Large Maximum Weight Independent Set Problems” by Dong et al (see Table 2 in our paper). For a reasonable comparison, we executed a dedicated benchmark that replicates the settings used in the work by Dong et al. More specifically, we let our algorithm run 5 times, each run with a different intialization of the random generator seed.
We make the log files and the aggregated results available for download here.
Download raw log files: mwis2024_logs_metamis_comparison.tar.zst (479 MiB, SHA256: f0fc3fde2adacfc50573db0b47df4d6b19038f95a7f996ec769e921da73e24ae
Download compiled benchmark results: mwis2024_metamis_comparison.json (59 KiB, SHA256: 228389f4d1bb5c5b0bed42354a595a5d21e697ae10f2dba442cca55243fee9f8