Source code for FrEIA.modules.invertible_resnet

from . import InvertibleModule

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.functional import conv2d, conv_transpose2d

[docs]class ActNorm(InvertibleModule):
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c=None, init_data=None): super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) self.dims_in = dims_in[0] param_dims = [1, self.dims_in[0]] + [1 for i in range(len(self.dims_in) - 1)] self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(*param_dims)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(*param_dims)) if init_data: self.initialize_with_data(init_data) else: self.init_on_next_batch = True def on_load_state_dict(*args): # when this module is loading state dict, we SHOULDN'T init with data, # because that will reset the trained parameters. Registering a hook # that disable this initialisation. self.init_on_next_batch = False self._register_load_state_dict_pre_hook(on_load_state_dict)
[docs] def initialize_with_data(self, data): # Initialize to mean 0 and std 1 with sample batch # 'data' expected to be of shape (batch, channels[, ...]) assert all([data.shape[i+1] == self.dims_in[i] for i in range(len(self.dims_in))]),\ "Can't initialize ActNorm layer, provided data don't match input dimensions."[:] \ = torch.log(1 / data.transpose(0,1).contiguous().view(self.dims_in[0], -1).std(dim=-1)) data = data * self.scale.exp()[:] \ = -data.transpose(0,1).contiguous().view(self.dims_in[0], -1).mean(dim=-1) self.init_on_next_batch = False
[docs] def forward(self, x, rev=False, jac=True): if self.init_on_next_batch: self.initialize_with_data(x[0]) jac = (self.scale.sum() *[1:])).repeat(x[0].shape[0]) if rev: jac = -jac if not rev: return [x[0] * self.scale.exp() + self.bias], jac else: return [(x[0] - self.bias) / self.scale.exp()], jac
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Can only use 1 input" return input_dims
[docs]class IResNetLayer(InvertibleModule): """ Implementation of the i-ResNet architecture as proposed in """
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c=[], internal_size=None, n_internal_layers=1, jacobian_iterations=20, hutchinson_samples=1, fixed_point_iterations=50, lipschitz_iterations=10, lipschitz_batchsize=10, spectral_norm_max=0.8): super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) if internal_size: self.internal_size = internal_size else: self.internal_size = 2 * dims_in[0][0] self.n_internal_layers = n_internal_layers self.jacobian_iterations = jacobian_iterations self.hutchinson_samples = hutchinson_samples self.fixed_point_iterations = fixed_point_iterations self.lipschitz_iterations = lipschitz_iterations self.lipschitz_batchsize = lipschitz_batchsize self.spectral_norm_max = spectral_norm_max assert 0 < spectral_norm_max <= 1, "spectral_norm_max must be in (0,1]." self.dims_in = dims_in[0] if len(self.dims_in) == 1: # Linear case self.layers = [nn.Linear(self.dims_in[0], self.internal_size),] for i in range(self.n_internal_layers): self.layers.append(nn.Linear(self.internal_size, self.internal_size)) self.layers.append(nn.Linear(self.internal_size, self.dims_in[0])) else: # Convolutional case self.layers = [nn.Conv2d(self.dims_in[0], self.internal_size, 3, padding=1),] for i in range(self.n_internal_layers): self.layers.append(nn.Conv2d(self.internal_size, self.internal_size, 3, padding=1)) self.layers.append(nn.Conv2d(self.internal_size, self.dims_in[0], 3, padding=1)) elus = [nn.ELU() for i in range(len(self.layers))] module_list = sum(zip(self.layers, elus), ())[:-1] # interleaves the lists self.residual = nn.Sequential(*module_list)
[docs] def lipschitz_correction(self): with torch.no_grad(): # Power method to approximate spectral norm # Following for i in range(len(self.layers)): W = self.layers[i].weight x = torch.randn(self.lipschitz_batchsize, W.shape[1], *self.dims_in[1:], device=W.device) if len(self.dims_in) == 1: # Linear case for j in range(self.lipschitz_iterations): x = W.t().matmul(W.matmul(x.unsqueeze(-1))).squeeze(-1) spectral_norm = (torch.norm(W.matmul(x.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1), dim=1) /\ torch.norm(x, dim=1)).max() else: # Convolutional case for j in range(self.lipschitz_iterations): x = conv2d(x, W) x = conv_transpose2d(x, W) spectral_norm = (torch.norm(conv2d(x, W).view(self.lipschitz_batchsize, -1), dim=1) /\ torch.norm(x.view(self.lipschitz_batchsize, -1), dim=1)).max() if spectral_norm > self.spectral_norm_max: self.layers[i] *= self.spectral_norm_max / spectral_norm
[docs] def forward(self, x, c=[], rev=False, jac=True): if jac: jac = self._jacobian(x, c, rev=rev) else: jac = None if not rev: return [x[0] + self.residual(x[0])], jac else: # Fixed-point iteration (works if residual has Lipschitz constant < 1) y = x[0] with torch.no_grad(): x_hat = x[0] for i in range(self.fixed_point_iterations): x_hat = y - self.residual(x_hat) return [y - self.residual(x_hat.detach())], jac
def _jacobian(self, x, c=[], rev=False): if rev: return -self._jacobian(x, c=c) # Initialize log determinant of Jacobian to zero batch_size = x[0].shape[0] logdet_J = x[0].new_zeros(batch_size) # Make sure we can get vector-Jacobian product w.r.t. x even if x is the network input if x[0].is_leaf: x[0].requires_grad = True # Sample random vectors for Hutchinson trace estimate v_right = [torch.randn_like(x[0]).sign() for i in range(self.hutchinson_samples)] v_left = [v.clone() for v in v_right] # Compute terms of power series for k in range(1, self.jacobian_iterations+1): # Estimate trace of Jacobian of residual branch trace_est = [] for i in range(self.hutchinson_samples): # Compute vector-Jacobian product v.t() * J residual = self.residual(x[0]) v_left[i] = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=[residual], inputs=x, grad_outputs=[v_left[i]])[0] trace_est.append(v_left[i].view(batch_size, 1, -1).matmul(v_right[i].view(batch_size, -1, 1)).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)) if len(trace_est) > 1: trace_est = torch.stack(trace_est).mean(dim=0) else: trace_est = trace_est[0] # Update power series approximation of log determinant for the whole block logdet_J = logdet_J + (-1)**(k+1) * trace_est / k # # Shorter version when self.hutchinson_samples is fixed to one # v_right = torch.randn_like(x[0]) # v_left = v_right.clone() # residual = self.residual(x[0]) # for k in range(1, self.jacobian_iterations+1): # # Compute vector-Jacobian product v.t() * J # v_left = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=[residual], # inputs=x, # grad_outputs=[v_left], # retain_graph=(k < self.jacobian_iterations))[0] # # Iterate power series approximation of log determinant # trace_est = v_left.view(batch_size, 1, -1).matmul(v_right.view(batch_size, -1, 1)).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1) # logdet_J = logdet_J + (-1)**(k+1) * trace_est / k return logdet_J
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Can only use 1 input" return input_dims