Source code for FrEIA.modules.inv_auto_layers

from . import InvertibleModule

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as f

[docs]class InvAutoActTwoSided(InvertibleModule):
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c=None, clamp=5.): super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) self.clamp = clamp self.alpha_pos = nn.Parameter(0.05 * torch.randn(dims_in[0][0]) + 0.7) self.alpha_neg = nn.Parameter(0.05 * torch.randn(dims_in[0][0]) - 0.7)
[docs] def e(self, s): return torch.exp(self.clamp * 0.636 * torch.atan(s/self.clamp))
[docs] def log_e(self, s): '''log of the nonlinear function e''' return self.clamp * 0.636 * torch.atan(s/self.clamp)
[docs] def forward(self, x, rev=False, jac=True): j = torch.sum(self.log_e(self.alpha_pos + 0.5 * (self.alpha_neg - self.alpha_pos) * (1 - x[0].sign())), dim=1) if not rev: return [x[0] * self.e(self.alpha_pos + 0.5 * (self.alpha_neg - self.alpha_pos) * (1 - x[0].sign()))], j else: return [x[0] * self.e(-self.alpha_pos - 0.5 * (self.alpha_neg - self.alpha_pos) * (1 - x[0].sign()))], -j
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Can only use 1 input" return input_dims
[docs]class InvAutoAct(InvertibleModule):
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c=None): super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) self.alpha = nn.Parameter(0.01 * torch.randn(dims_in[0][0]) + 0.7)
[docs] def forward(self, x, rev=False, jac=True): if jac: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Jacobian is not implemented for InvAutoAct") if not rev: return [x[0] * torch.exp(self.alpha * x[0].sign())], None else: return [x[0] * torch.exp(self.alpha * x[0].sign().neg_())], None
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Can only use 1 input" return input_dims
[docs]class InvAutoActFixed(nn.Module):
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c=None, alpha=2.0): super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) self.alpha = alpha self.alpha_inv = 1. / alpha self.log_alpha = np.log(alpha)
[docs] def forward(self, x, rev=False, jac=True): j = torch.sum(self.log_alpha * x[0].sign(), dim=1) if not rev: return [self.alpha_inv * f.leaky_relu(x[0], self.alpha*self.alpha)], j else: return [self.alpha * f.leaky_relu(x[0], self.alpha_inv*self.alpha_inv)], -j
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Can only use 1 input" return input_dims
[docs]class LearnedElementwiseScaling(InvertibleModule):
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c=None): super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) self.s = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(*dims_in[0]))
[docs] def forward(self, x, rev=False, jac=True): if jac: jac = torch.sum(self.s).unsqueeze(0) if rev: jac *= -1 else: jac = None if not rev: return [x[0] * self.s.exp()], jac else: return [x[0] * self.s.neg().exp_()], jac
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Can only use 1 input" return input_dims
[docs]class InvAutoFC(InvertibleModule):
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c, dims_out=None): super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) self.dims_in = dims_in if dims_out is None: self.dims_out = deepcopy(dims_in) else: self.dims_out = dims_out self.weights = nn.Parameter(0.01 * torch.randn(self.dims_out[0][0], self.dims_in[0][0])) self.bias = nn.Parameter(0.01 * torch.randn(1, self.dims_out[0][0]))
[docs] def forward(self, x, rev=False, jac=True): if jac: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Jacobian is not implemented for InvAutoFC") if not rev: return [f.linear(x[0], self.weights) + self.bias.expand(x[0].size()[0], *self.dims_out[0])], None else: return [f.linear(x[0] - self.bias.expand(x[0].size()[0], *self.dims_out[0]), self.weights.t())], None
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Can only use 1 input" return self.dims_out
[docs]class InvAutoConv2D(InvertibleModule):
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c=None, dims_out=None, kernel_size=3, padding=1): super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) self.dims_in = dims_in self.dims_out = dims_out self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.padding = padding self.conv2d = nn.Conv2d(dims_in[0][0], dims_out[0][0], kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, bias=False) self.bias = nn.Parameter(0.01 * torch.randn(1, dims_out[0][0], 1, 1))
[docs] def forward(self, x, rev=False, jac=True): if jac: raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Jacobian is not implemented for InvAutoConv2D") if not rev: out = self.conv2d(x[0]) out += self.bias.expand(out.size()) else: out = x[0] - self.bias.expand(x[0].size()) out = f.conv_transpose2d(out, self.conv2d.weight, bias=None, padding=self.padding) return [out], None
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Can only use 1 input" return self.dims_out