Source code for FrEIA.modules.graph_topology

from . import InvertibleModule

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Sequence, Union

import torch

[docs]class Split(InvertibleModule): """Invertible split operation. Splits the incoming tensor along the given dimension, and returns a list of separate output tensors. The inverse is the corresponding merge operation. Attributes: dims_in: A list of tuples containing the non-batch dimensionality of all incoming tensors. Handled automatically during compute graph setup. Split only takes one input tensor. section_sizes: If set, takes precedence over 'n_sections' and behaves like the argument in torch.split(), except when a list of section sizes is given that doesn't add up to the size of 'dim', an additional split section is created to take the slack. Defaults to None. n_sections: If 'section_sizes' is None, the tensor is split into 'n_sections' parts of equal size or close to it. This mode behaves like numpy.array_split(). Defaults to 2, i.e. splitting the data into two equal halves. dim: Index of the dimension along which to split, not counting the batch dimension. Defaults to 0, i.e. the channel dimension in structured data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in: Sequence[Sequence[int]], section_sizes: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None, n_sections: int = 2, dim: int = 0, ): """Inits the Split module with the attributes described above and checks that split sizes and dimensionality are compatible.""" super().__init__(dims_in) # Size and dimensionality checks assert len(dims_in) == 1, "Split layer takes exactly one input tensor" assert len(dims_in[0]) >= dim, "Split dimension index out of range" self.dim = dim l_dim = dims_in[0][dim] if section_sizes is None: assert 2 <= n_sections, "'n_sections' must be a least 2" if l_dim % n_sections != 0: warnings.warn('Split will create sections of unequal size') self.split_size_or_sections = ( [l_dim//n_sections + 1] * (l_dim%n_sections) + [l_dim//n_sections] * (n_sections - l_dim%n_sections)) else: if isinstance(section_sizes, int): assert section_sizes < l_dim, "'section_sizes' too large" else: assert isinstance(section_sizes, (list, tuple)), \ "'section_sizes' must be either int or list/tuple of int" assert sum(section_sizes) <= l_dim, "'section_sizes' too large" if sum(section_sizes) < l_dim: warnings.warn("'section_sizes' too small, adding additional section") section_sizes = list(section_sizes).append(l_dim - sum(section_sizes)) self.split_size_or_sections = section_sizes
[docs] def forward(self, x, rev=False, jac=True): """See super class InvertibleModule. Jacobian log-det of splitting is always zero.""" if rev: return [, dim=self.dim+1)], 0 else: return torch.split(x[0], self.split_size_or_sections, dim=self.dim+1), 0
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): """See super class InvertibleModule.""" assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Split layer takes exactly one input tensor" # Assemble dims of all resulting outputs return [tuple(input_dims[0][j] if (j != self.dim) else section_size for j in range(len(input_dims[0]))) for section_size in self.split_size_or_sections]
[docs]class Concat(InvertibleModule): """Invertible merge operation. Concatenates a list of incoming tensors along a given dimension and passes on the result. Inverse is the corresponding split operation. Attributes: dims_in: A list of tuples containing the non-batch dimensionality of all incoming tensors. Handled automatically during compute graph setup. Dimensionality of incoming tensors must be identical, except in the merge dimension `dim`. Concat only makes sense with multiple input tensors. dim: Index of the dimension along which to concatenate, not counting the batch dimension. Defaults to 0, i.e. the channel dimension in structured data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in: Sequence[Sequence[int]], dim: int = 0, ): """Inits the Concat module with the attributes described above and checks that all dimensions are compatible.""" super().__init__(dims_in) assert len(dims_in) > 1, ("Concatenation only makes sense for " "multiple inputs") assert len(dims_in[0]) >= dim, "Merge dimension index out of range" assert all(len(dims_in[i]) == len(dims_in[0]) for i in range(len(dims_in))), ( "All input tensors must have same number of " "dimensions" ) assert all(dims_in[i][j] == dims_in[0][j] for i in range(len(dims_in)) for j in range(len(dims_in[i])) if j != dim), ( "All input tensor dimensions except merge " "dimension must be identical" ) self.dim = dim self.split_size_or_sections = [dims_in[i][dim] for i in range(len(dims_in))]
[docs] def forward(self, x, rev=False, jac=True): """See super class InvertibleModule. Jacobian log-det of concatenation is always zero.""" if rev: return torch.split(x[0], self.split_size_or_sections, dim=self.dim+1), 0 else: return [, dim=self.dim+1)], 0
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): """See super class InvertibleModule.""" assert len(input_dims) > 1, ("Concatenation only makes sense for " "multiple inputs") output_dims = deepcopy(list(input_dims[0])) output_dims[self.dim] = sum(input_dim[self.dim] for input_dim in input_dims) return [tuple(output_dims)]
import warnings def _deprecated_by(orig_class): class deprecated_class(orig_class): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn(F"{self.__class__.__name__} is deprecated and will be removed in the public release. " F"Use {orig_class.__name__} instead.", DeprecationWarning) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) return deprecated_class channel_split_layer = _deprecated_by(Split) split_layer = _deprecated_by(Split) Split1D = _deprecated_by(Split) SplitChannel = _deprecated_by(Split) channel_merge_layer = _deprecated_by(Concat) cat_layer = _deprecated_by(Concat) Concat1d = _deprecated_by(Concat) ConcatChannel = _deprecated_by(Concat)