Source code for FrEIA.modules.gaussian_mixture

from . import InvertibleModule

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

[docs]class GaussianMixtureModel(InvertibleModule): '''An invertible Gaussian mixture model. The weights, means, covariance parameterization and component index must be supplied as conditional inputs to the module and can come from an external feed-forward network, which may be trained by backpropagating through the GMM. Weights should first be normalized via GaussianMixtureModel.normalize_weights(w) and component indices can be sampled via GaussianMixtureModel.pick_mixture_component(w). If component indices are specified, the model reduces to that Gaussian mixture component and maps between data x and standard normal latent variable z. Components can also be chosen consistently at random, by supplying an integer random seed instead of indices. If a None value is supplied instead of indices, the model maps between K data points x and K latent codes z simultaneously, where K is the number of mixture components. Mathematical derivations are found in the technical report "Training Mixture Density Networks with full covariance matrices" on arXiv.'''
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c): super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) self.x_dims = dims_in[0][0] # Prepare masks for filling the (triangular) Cholesky factors of the precision matrices self.mask_upper = (torch.triu(torch.ones(self.x_dims, self.x_dims), diagonal=1) == 1) self.mask_diagonal = torch.eye(self.x_dims, self.x_dims).bool()
[docs] @staticmethod def pick_mixture_component(w, seed=None): '''Randomly choose mixture component indices with probability given by the component weights w. Works on batches of component weights. w: Weights of the mixture components, must be positive and sum to one seed: Optional RNG seed for consistent decisions''' w_thresholds = torch.cumsum(w, dim=1) # Prepare local random number generator rng = torch.Generator(device=w.device) if isinstance(seed, int): rng = rng.manual_seed(seed) else: rng.seed() # Draw one uniform random number per batch row and compare against thresholds u = torch.rand(w.shape[0], 1, device=w.device, generator=rng) indices = torch.sum(u > w_thresholds, dim=1).int() # Return mixture component indices return indices
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_weights(w): '''Apply softmax to ensure component weights are positive and sum to one. Works on batches of component weights. w: Unnormalized weights for Gaussian mixture components, must be of size [batch_size, n_components]''' return F.softmax(w - w.max(), dim=-1)
[docs] @staticmethod def nll_loss(w, z, log_jacobian): '''Negative log-likelihood loss for training a Mixture Density Network. w: Mixture component weights, must be positive and sum to one. Tensor must be of size [batch_size, n_components]. z: Latent codes for all mixture components. Tensor must be of size [batch, n_components, n_dims]. log_jacobian: Jacobian log-determinants for each precision matrix. Tensor size must be [batch_size, n_components].''' return -((-0.5 * (z**2).sum(dim=-1) + log_jacobian).exp() * w).sum(dim=-1).log()
[docs] @staticmethod def nll_upper_bound(w, z, log_jacobian): '''Numerically more stable upper bound of the negative log-likelihood loss for training a Mixture Density Network. w: Mixture component weights, must be positive and sum to one. Tensor must be of size [batch_size, n_components]. z: Latent codes for all mixture components. Tensor must be of size [batch, n_components, n_dims]. log_jacobian: Jacobian log-determinants for each precision matrix. Tensor size must be [batch_size, n_components].''' return -(w.log() - 0.5 * (z**2).sum(dim=-1) + log_jacobian).sum(dim=-1)
[docs] def forward(self, x, c, rev=False, jac=True): '''Map between data distribution and standard normal latent distribution of mixture components or entire mixture, in an invertible way. x: Data during forward pass or latent codes during backward pass. Size must be [batch_size, n_dims] if component indices i are specified and should be [batch_size, n_components, n_dims] if not. The conditional input c must be a list [w, mu, U, i] of parameters for the Gaussian mixture model with the following properties: w: Weights of the mixture components, must be positive and sum to one and have size [batch_size, n_components]. mu: Means of the mixture components, must have size [batch_size, n_components, n_dims]. U: Entries for the (upper triangular) Cholesky factors for the precision matrices of the mixture components. These are needed to parameterize the covariance of the mixture components and must have size [batch_size, n_components, n_dims * (n_dims + 1) / 2]. i: Tensor of component indices (size [batch_size]), or a single integer to be used as random number generator seed for component selection, or None to indicate that all mixture components are modelled.''' assert len(x) == 1, f"GaussianMixtureModel got {len(x)} inputs, but " \ f"only one is allowed." x = x[0] # Get GMM parameters w, mu, U_entries, i = c batch_size, n_components = w.shape # Construct upper triangular Cholesky factors U of all precision matrices U = torch.zeros(batch_size, n_components, self.x_dims, self.x_dims, device=x.device) # Fill everything above the diagonal as is U[self.mask_upper.expand(batch_size,n_components,-1,-1)] = U_entries[:,:,self.x_dims:].reshape(-1) # Diagonal entries must be positive U[self.mask_diagonal.expand(batch_size,n_components,-1,-1)] = U_entries[:,:,:self.x_dims].exp().reshape(-1) # Indices of chosen mixture components, if provided if i is None: fixed_components = False else: fixed_components = True if not isinstance(i, torch.Tensor): i = self.pick_mixture_component(w, seed=i) if jac: # Compute Jacobian log-determinants # Note: we avoid a log operation by taking diagonal entries directly from U_entries, where they are in log space if fixed_components: # Keep Jacobian log-determinants for chosen components only j = torch.stack([U_entries[b, i[b], :self.x_dims].sum(dim=-1) for b in range(batch_size)]) else: # Keep Jacobian log-determinants for all components simultaneously j = U_entries[:, :, :self.x_dims].sum(dim=-1) if rev: j *= -1 else: j = None # Actual forward and inverse pass if not rev: if fixed_components: # Return latent codes of x according to chosen component distributions only return [torch.stack([torch.matmul(U[b,i[b],:,:], x[b,:] - mu[b,i[b],:]) for b in range(batch_size)])], j else: # Return latent codes of x according to all component distributions simultaneously if len(x.shape) < 3: x = x[:,None,:] return [torch.matmul(U, (x - mu)[...,None])[...,0]], j else: if fixed_components: # Transform latent samples to samples from chosen mixture distributions return [torch.stack([mu[b,i[b],:] + torch.matmul(torch.inverse(U[b,i[b],:,:]), x[b,:]) for b in range(batch_size)])], j else: # Transform latent samples to samples from all mixture distributions simultaneously return [torch.matmul(torch.inverse(U), x[...,None])[...,0] + mu], j
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): assert len(input_dims) == 1, "Can only use 1 input" return input_dims