Source code for FrEIA.modules.all_in_one_block

from . import InvertibleModule

import warnings
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from scipy.stats import special_ortho_group

[docs]class AllInOneBlock(InvertibleModule): '''Module combining the most common operations in a normalizing flow or similar model. It combines affine coupling, permutation, and global affine transformation ('ActNorm'). It can also be used as GIN coupling block, perform learned householder permutations, and use an inverted pre-permutation (see constructor docstring for details).'''
[docs] def __init__(self, dims_in, dims_c=[], subnet_constructor: Callable = None, affine_clamping: float = 2., gin_block: bool = False, global_affine_init: float = 1., global_affine_type: str = 'SOFTPLUS', permute_soft: bool = False, learned_householder_permutation: int = 0, reverse_permutation: bool = False): ''' Args: subnet_constructor: class or callable f, called as f(channels_in, channels_out) and should return a torch.nn.Module affine_clamping: clamp the output of the multiplicative coefficients (before exponentiation) to +/- affine_clamping. gin_block: Turn the block into a GIN block from Sorrenson et al, 2019 global_affine_init: Initial value for the global affine scaling beta global_affine_init: 'SIGMOID', 'SOFTPLUS', or 'EXP'. Defines the activation to be used on the beta for the global affine scaling. permute_soft: bool, whether to sample the permutation matrices from SO(N), or to use hard permutations in stead. Note, permute_soft=True is very slow when working with >512 dimensions. learned_householder_permutation: Int, if >0, use that many learned householder reflections. Slow if large number. Dubious whether it actually helps. reverse_permutation: Reverse the permutation before the block, as introduced by Putzky et al, 2019. ''' super().__init__(dims_in, dims_c) channels = dims_in[0][0] # rank of the tensors means 1d, 2d, 3d tensor etc. self.input_rank = len(dims_in[0]) - 1 # tuple containing all dims except for batch-dim (used at various points) self.sum_dims = tuple(range(1, 2 + self.input_rank)) if len(dims_c) == 0: self.conditional = False self.condition_channels = 0 else: assert tuple(dims_c[0][1:]) == tuple(dims_in[0][1:]), \ F"Dimensions of input and condition don't agree: {dims_c} vs {dims_in}." self.conditional = True self.condition_channels = sum(dc[0] for dc in dims_c) split_len1 = channels - channels // 2 split_len2 = channels // 2 self.splits = [split_len1, split_len2] try: self.permute_function = {0: F.linear, 1: F.conv1d, 2: F.conv2d, 3: F.conv3d}[self.input_rank] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Data is {1 + self.input_rank}D. Must be 1D-4D.") self.in_channels = channels self.clamp = affine_clamping self.GIN = gin_block self.reverse_pre_permute = reverse_permutation self.householder = learned_householder_permutation if permute_soft and channels > 512: warnings.warn(("Soft permutation will take a very long time to initialize " f"with {channels} feature channels. Consider using hard permutation instead.")) # global_scale is used as the initial value for the global affine scale # (pre-activation). It is computed such that # global_scale_activation(global_scale) = global_affine_init # the 'magic numbers' (specifically for sigmoid) scale the activation to # a sensible range. if global_affine_type == 'SIGMOID': global_scale = 2. - np.log(10. / global_affine_init - 1.) self.global_scale_activation = (lambda a: 10 * torch.sigmoid(a - 2.)) elif global_affine_type == 'SOFTPLUS': global_scale = 2. * np.log(np.exp(0.5 * 10. * global_affine_init) - 1) self.softplus = nn.Softplus(beta=0.5) self.global_scale_activation = (lambda a: 0.1 * self.softplus(a)) elif global_affine_type == 'EXP': global_scale = np.log(global_affine_init) self.global_scale_activation = (lambda a: torch.exp(a)) else: raise ValueError('Global affine activation must be "SIGMOID", "SOFTPLUS" or "EXP"') self.global_scale = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, self.in_channels, *([1] * self.input_rank)) * float(global_scale)) self.global_offset = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, self.in_channels, *([1] * self.input_rank))) if permute_soft: w = special_ortho_group.rvs(channels) else: w = np.zeros((channels, channels)) for i, j in enumerate(np.random.permutation(channels)): w[i, j] = 1. if self.householder: # instead of just the permutation matrix w, the learned housholder # permutation keeps track of reflection vectors vk, in addition to a # random initial permutation w_0. self.vk_householder = nn.Parameter(0.2 * torch.randn(self.householder, channels), requires_grad=True) self.w_perm = None self.w_perm_inv = None self.w_0 = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(w), requires_grad=False) else: self.w_perm = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(w).view(channels, channels, *([1] * self.input_rank)), requires_grad=False) self.w_perm_inv = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(w.T).view(channels, channels, *([1] * self.input_rank)), requires_grad=False) if subnet_constructor is None: raise ValueError("Please supply a callable subnet_constructor" "function or object (see docstring)") self.subnet = subnet_constructor(self.splits[0] + self.condition_channels, 2 * self.splits[1]) self.last_jac = None
def _construct_householder_permutation(self): '''Computes a permutation matrix from the reflection vectors that are learned internally as nn.Parameters.''' w = self.w_0 for vk in self.vk_householder: w =, torch.eye(self.in_channels).to(w.device) - 2 * torch.ger(vk, vk) /, vk)) for i in range(self.input_rank): w = w.unsqueeze(-1) return w def _permute(self, x, rev=False): '''Performs the permutation and scaling after the coupling operation. Returns transformed outputs and the LogJacDet of the scaling operation.''' if self.GIN: scale = 1. perm_log_jac = 0. else: scale = self.global_scale_activation(self.global_scale) perm_log_jac = torch.sum(torch.log(scale)) if rev: return ((self.permute_function(x, self.w_perm_inv) - self.global_offset) / scale, perm_log_jac) else: return (self.permute_function(x * scale + self.global_offset, self.w_perm), perm_log_jac) def _pre_permute(self, x, rev=False): '''Permutes before the coupling block, only used if reverse_permutation is set''' if rev: return self.permute_function(x, self.w_perm) else: return self.permute_function(x, self.w_perm_inv) def _affine(self, x, a, rev=False): '''Given the passive half, and the pre-activation outputs of the coupling subnetwork, perform the affine coupling operation. Returns both the transformed inputs and the LogJacDet.''' # the entire coupling coefficient tensor is scaled down by a # factor of ten for stability and easier initialization. a *= 0.1 ch = x.shape[1] sub_jac = self.clamp * torch.tanh(a[:, :ch]) if self.GIN: sub_jac -= torch.mean(sub_jac, dim=self.sum_dims, keepdim=True) if not rev: return (x * torch.exp(sub_jac) + a[:, ch:], torch.sum(sub_jac, dim=self.sum_dims)) else: return ((x - a[:, ch:]) * torch.exp(-sub_jac), -torch.sum(sub_jac, dim=self.sum_dims))
[docs] def forward(self, x, c=[], rev=False, jac=True): '''See base class docstring''' if self.householder: self.w_perm = self._construct_householder_permutation() if rev or self.reverse_pre_permute: self.w_perm_inv = self.w_perm.transpose(0, 1).contiguous() if rev: x, global_scaling_jac = self._permute(x[0], rev=True) x = (x,) elif self.reverse_pre_permute: x = (self._pre_permute(x[0], rev=False),) x1, x2 = torch.split(x[0], self.splits, dim=1) if self.conditional: x1c =[x1, *c], 1) else: x1c = x1 if not rev: a1 = self.subnet(x1c) x2, j2 = self._affine(x2, a1) else: a1 = self.subnet(x1c) x2, j2 = self._affine(x2, a1, rev=True) log_jac_det = j2 x_out =, x2), 1) if not rev: x_out, global_scaling_jac = self._permute(x_out, rev=False) elif self.reverse_pre_permute: x_out = self._pre_permute(x_out, rev=True) # add the global scaling Jacobian to the total. # trick to get the total number of non-channel dimensions: # number of elements of the first channel of the first batch member n_pixels = x_out[0, :1].numel() log_jac_det += (-1)**rev * n_pixels * global_scaling_jac return (x_out,), log_jac_det
[docs] def output_dims(self, input_dims): return input_dims