Source code for FrEIA.framework.reversible_graph_net

import warnings
from typing import Union, Iterable, Tuple

from torch import Tensor

from .graph_inn import GraphINN

[docs]class ReversibleGraphNet(GraphINN):
[docs] def __init__(self, node_list, ind_in=None, ind_out=None, verbose=True, force_tuple_output=False): warnings.warn("ReversibleGraphNet is deprecated in favour of GraphINN. " "It will be removed in the next version of FrEIA.", DeprecationWarning) if ind_in is not None: raise ValueError( "ReversibleGraphNet's ind_in was removed in FrEIA v0.3.0. " "Please use InputNodes and switch to GraphINN." ) if ind_out is not None: raise ValueError( "ReversibleGraphNet's ind_out was removed in FrEIA v0.3.0. " "Please use OutputNodes and switch to GraphINN." ) super().__init__(node_list, verbose=verbose, force_tuple_output=force_tuple_output)
[docs] def forward(self, x_or_z: Union[Tensor, Iterable[Tensor]], c: Iterable[Tensor] = None, rev: bool = False, jac: bool = True, intermediate_outputs: bool = False)\ -> Tuple[Tuple[Tensor], Tensor]: warnings.warn("ReversibleGraphNet's forward() now " "returns a tuple (output, jacobian). " "It will be removed in the next version of FrEIA.", DeprecationWarning) return super().forward(x_or_z, c, rev, jac, intermediate_outputs)